Last Updated: September 5, 2023

Campaign Monitor Review: Elevating Your Email Marketing

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What is Campaign Monitor?

Campaign Monitor is an email marketing platform that provides a comprehensive set of tools and solutions for businesses to create, manage and optimize their email campaigns. With a wide range of features and customizable email templates, Campaign Monitor allows users to easily design and send attractive and effective email communications.

The platform offers advanced formatting options, a user-friendly email builder and a drag-and-drop editor. Making it simple to create personalized email content. Whether businesses are looking to send sign-up forms, transactional emails or mass mailouts, Campaign Monitor has the tools to meet their needs.

Additionally, the platform provides robust reporting features. Including advanced link tracking and integration with Google Analytics. Allowing businesses to analyze the performance of their email marketing campaigns. With excellent customer service, automation tools and unlimited spam testing, Campaign Monitor is an ideal solution for businesses looking to enhance their email marketing efforts.

Overview of Features and Benefits

One of the key highlights of Campaign Monitor is its intuitive WYSIWYG email editor. Which allows users to easily design and customize visually appealing emails without any coding knowledge. This enables businesses to create professional-looking email campaigns that resonate with their target audience.

Campaign Monitor is a versatile and user-friendly email marketing platform that offers a wide range of features and benefits to help businesses create, manage and optimize effective email campaigns.

With its RSS to email feature, businesses can automate email campaigns based on blog posts or content updates. Ensuring that subscribers stay engaged with the latest information.

Campaign Monitor also offers seamless integrations with popular platforms such as Shopify, WordPress and Salesforce. Making it effortless to streamline marketing efforts and leverage existing customer data.

Real-time Worldview is another noteworthy feature that provides users with visual representations of how their email campaigns are performing in real-time. This allows businesses to track the success of their campaigns and make data-driven decisions to improve engagement and conversion rates.

The autoresponder feature of Campaign Monitor enables businesses to set up automated email sequences that engage and nurture subscribers throughout their user journey. ROI reporting provides actionable insights into campaign performance. Allowing businesses to optimize their strategies and drive better results.

Moreover, Campaign Monitor offers a mobile app that enables users to manage campaigns on the go. Ensuring that businesses can stay connected with their audience at all times.

Other notable features include A/B split testing, re-brandable interfaces, extensive subscriber management and unique partnership opportunities. These features provide businesses with the flexibility and customization options needed to create effective and personalized email campaigns.

Pricing Plans

The Basic Plan starts at just $9 per month and allows for unlimited emails to up to 500 subscribers. For larger businesses with larger subscriber lists, there are options like the Unlimited Plan. Which starts at $29 per month and includes unlimited emails to an unlimited number of subscribers.

Campaign Monitor offers flexible pricing plans to suit businesses of all sizes.

With Campaign Monitor, businesses can upgrade or downgrade their plan at any time to accommodate their growing needs.

Users have access to a drag-and-drop email builder and customizable email templates. Making it easy to create visually appealing and effective email campaigns. The platform also offers advanced reporting features. Including advanced link tracking and Google Analytics integration, to track the success of campaigns and measure engagement.

Regardless of the plan chosen, Campaign Monitor provides a wide range of features and benefits.

Campaign Monitor also provides excellent customer service. Ensuring that businesses have the support they need to make the most of the platform. With its pricing plans and extensive features, Campaign Monitor offers businesses a comprehensive and cost-effective solution for their email marketing needs.

Basic Plan

Campaign Monitor's Basic Plan offers businesses an affordable and feature-rich email marketing solution. Starting at just $9 per month, this plan allows users to send unlimited emails to up to 500 subscribers.

With the Basic Plan, businesses can access a drag-and-drop email builder and customizable email templates. This makes it easy to create visually appealing and engaging email campaigns without the need for technical expertise.

In addition, Campaign Monitor's Basic Plan includes advanced reporting features, such as advanced link tracking and integration with Google Analytics. These analytics tools help businesses track the success of their campaigns and measure customer engagement.

While the Basic Plan has a limitation on the number of subscribers, Campaign Monitor provides the flexibility to upgrade or downgrade the plan at any time. This ensures that businesses can scale their email marketing efforts as their subscriber list grows.

With its affordable pricing, user-friendly features and robust reporting capabilities, the Basic Plan from Campaign Monitor is an ideal choice for businesses looking to effectively engage with their audience through email marketing campaigns.

Advanced Features

With advanced segmentation, businesses can target specific customer groups with tailored content. This feature enables personalized campaigns based on demographics, past purchases or any other relevant data. The result is higher engagement and conversion rates.

Campaign Monitor offers an array of advanced features that take email marketing to the next level.

Activity-triggered journeys are another powerful tool that automates customer interactions. Businesses can set up email flows triggered by specific actions or behaviors, such as website visits or abandoned carts. This ensures timely and targeted communication. Enhancing customer satisfaction and driving sales.

The 1: 1 email content feature allows businesses to send highly personalized emails, addressing recipients by their names and tailoring the content based on their preferences or purchase history. Such personalized communication fosters stronger relationships with customers and boosts brand loyalty.

Campaign Monitor also leverages behavioral customer data to drive email marketing success. By analyzing how customers interact with campaigns, businesses gain valuable insights into their preferences, interests and engagement levels. This data enables them to refine their strategies, optimize campaigns and deliver more relevant content to their subscribers.

In summary, Campaign Monitor's advanced features, such as segmentation, activity-triggered journeys, 1: 1 email content and behavioral customer data analysis, empower businesses to create highly targeted, personalized and engaging email campaigns. These features enhance customer experiences, increase conversions and drive long-term success in email marketing.

Additional Plans and Upgrades

Campaign Monitor offers additional plans and upgrades to cater to the varying needs of businesses. These plans provide access to advanced features and enhanced capabilities to maximize the effectiveness of email marketing campaigns.

It includes advanced segmentation. Allowing businesses to target specific customer segments with tailored content. This ensures that the right message reaches the right audience at the right time. Additionally, businesses can leverage activity-triggered journeys to automate customer interactions based on specific actions or behaviors. Enhancing customer satisfaction and driving sales.

The Advanced plan is designed for businesses looking to take their email marketing to the next level.

This means that businesses can communicate with their audience without any restrictions. Enabling them to stay engaged and connected. Additionally, this plan includes unlimited spam testing. Ensuring that emails reach the recipients' inbox and not their spam folder. The advanced link tracking feature provides valuable insights into how subscribers interact with emails. Helping businesses optimize their campaigns for better results.

The Unlimited plan offers businesses the ability to send unlimited emails to their subscribers.

This plan offers all the features of the Advanced and Unlimited plans, along with additional benefits like priority support and dedicated account management. It provides businesses with a comprehensive suite of tools and services to meet their specific email marketing needs.

For businesses requiring even more advanced functionalities, the Premier plan is available.

Email Builder

Designing visually appealing and engaging email campaigns has never been easier with Campaign Monitor's Email Builder. This powerful drag-and-drop editor allows businesses to create stunning email templates without any coding knowledge.

With a wide range of attractive templates and customizable options, businesses can easily create professional-looking emails that align with their brand identity. Whether it's adding compelling images, formatting text or inserting buttons, the Email Builder provides a seamless and intuitive experience.

With its user-friendly interface and extensive formatting options, businesses can quickly create, edit and preview their email content. Ensuring every message is visually captivating and attention-grabbing. Say goodbye to complicated email design processes and hello to effective email marketing software that simplifies the creation of beautiful email campaigns.

Formatting Options

Campaign Monitor offers a range of formatting options that allow users to create visually appealing and professional-looking email campaigns. The platform provides template customization tools that enable users to personalize their email templates to match their brand's aesthetic.

With Campaign Monitor, users can easily modify default styles such as font sizes, fonts and template element colors to create a cohesive and consistent email design. This feature saves time and ensures that every email aligns with the brand's visual identity.

However, it does provide a unique white label option. This allows users to remove all Campaign Monitor branding and include their own logo and brand elements in the email templates. Giving them full control over the design and appearance of their email communications.

Unlike other email marketing platforms, Campaign Monitor does not offer email settings for default styles.

Pre-made Templates

Campaign Monitor offers a wide range of pre-made templates that users can choose from for their email campaigns. These templates are professionally designed and can be easily customized to suit the brand's visual identity.

Users can access these pre-made templates by selecting the "Templates" tab in the Campaign Monitor dashboard. From there, they can browse through a variety of template categories. Including newsletters, announcements, events and more. Each template comes with its own design elements, such as header styles, column configurations and color schemes.

Campaign Monitor's drag-and-drop editor allows users to modify the layout, add or remove content blocks and change the colors and fonts to align with their branding. Users can also upload their own images or choose from Campaign Monitor's extensive library of stock photos.

Once a template is selected, users can easily customize it to match their brand's look and feel.

Firstly, it saves time as users don't have to start from scratch. Secondly, these templates ensure that emails have a professional and polished appearance, even for users with minimal design skills. Lastly, the customization options allow users to create a cohesive brand experience across all their email communications.

Using pre-made templates in email campaigns offers several benefits.

Drag-and-Drop Interface

Campaign Monitor offers a user-friendly drag-and-drop interface. Making it easy for users to create and customize their email campaigns. The intuitive interface allows users to design and modify emails without any coding knowledge, saving time and effort.

These templates cover various categories such as newsletters, announcements and events. Ensuring users can find a design that fits their needs. Alternatively, users can also import their own HTML templates and customize them using the drag-and-drop editor.

Users have the option to choose from a variety of pre-made templates available in the Campaign Monitor library.

With the drag-and-drop interface, users can easily customize their emails by modifying the layout, adding or removing content blocks and changing the colors and fonts. This allows them to align the email design with their brand's look and feel.

Users can test different variations of their emails to see which performs better, optimizing their email campaigns for better engagement. They can also ensure that all links in their emails are working correctly, providing a seamless experience for recipients.

The Campaign Monitor interface also offers advanced features like A/B testing and checking for broken links.

HTML Editor

The HTML Editor in Campaign Monitor is a powerful feature that allows users to create and customize their email campaigns with ease. With this tool, users have the option to import their own HTML templates or create plain text emails directly within the platform.

Importing HTML templates gives users the freedom to bring in their own designs and branding elements. Ensuring their emails reflect their unique style. On the other hand. Creating plain text emails is ideal for users who prefer a simpler, text-based approach.

Unlike some other email marketing platforms, Campaign Monitor does not offer a built-in feature that helps users identify rendering or formatting errors before sending their emails. This means that users need to be extra careful when designing and coding their HTML templates to avoid any issues with email rendering or formatting.

However, one limitation of the HTML Editor is the lack of template error and fix options.

Mobile Optimization

Campaign Monitor recognizes this need and provides features and tools to ensure that emails are optimized for mobile viewing. This allows users to reach a wider audience and maximize their campaign's effectiveness.

Mobile optimization is a crucial aspect of email marketing campaigns, as a significant portion of users access their emails on mobile devices.

With responsive design, emails automatically adjust their layout and formatting to fit different screen sizes. Ensuring a seamless and visually appealing experience for mobile users. This eliminates the need for users to manually resize or scroll through emails. Enhancing their overall experience.

One of the key strategies used by Campaign Monitor for mobile optimization is responsive design.

This allows users to see how their emails will appear on various mobile devices and make any necessary adjustments to optimize their design. By previewing emails on different devices, users can ensure that their campaigns are visually appealing and effectively convey their message to their audience, regardless of the device they are using.

Another useful feature provided by Campaign Monitor is the ability to preview emails on different devices.

By utilizing responsive design and previewing emails on different devices, users can create engaging and visually appealing emails that are accessible to mobile users. With Campaign Monitor's mobile optimization features, businesses can maximize the impact of their email marketing efforts and connect with their audience on a broader scale.

Incorporating mobile optimization into email campaigns using Campaign Monitor helps businesses reach a wider audience and ensures that their messages are delivered effectively.

Image Library

With the Image Library, users have access to a wide range of high-quality images that can be directly integrated into their emails. Making it easier than ever to design captivating campaigns.

Campaign Monitor offers a comprehensive Image Library. Which is a beneficial feature for users looking to enhance their email marketing campaigns with visually appealing graphics and engaging visual content.

From there, they can easily select the Image Library icon. Which grants them instant access to a vast collection of images to choose from. This eliminates the need for users to search for appropriate graphics on external websites or create their own visual content from scratch.

To access the Image Library, users can simply log into their Campaign Monitor account and navigate to the email builder.

Whether it's product photos, lifestyle shots or illustrations, users can effortlessly browse through the collection and select the images that resonate most with their target audience.

Once in the Image Library, users can explore different categories and themes to find the perfect images that align with their email campaigns and brand aesthetics.

This feature enables them to create professional and eye-catching campaigns that grab their subscribers' attention and leave a lasting impression. With the Image Library, Campaign Monitor continues to provide its users with valuable tools to streamline their email marketing efforts and achieve impressive results.

By leveraging the power of the Image Library in Campaign Monitor, users can easily elevate the visual appeal of their email communications.

Sign Up Forms

Campaign Monitor offers a comprehensive and intuitive email marketing platform that includes a range of features to enhance user experience and improve campaign effectiveness. One of the standout features is the Sign-up Forms functionality.

With Campaign Monitor's Sign-up Forms, users can easily create customizable and visually appealing forms to capture email addresses and grow their subscriber list. The drag-and-drop editor allows users to design forms that align with their brand's aesthetics, adding their own logos, background images and colors.

Additionally, Campaign Monitor provides pre-designed templates for those looking to save time and effort. Users can also choose from a variety of formatting options and add custom fields to collect additional information from subscribers.

With Campaign Monitor's Sign-up Forms, businesses can seamlessly integrate email capture into their website or landing pages. Making it effortless for visitors to subscribe and receive updates on their email marketing campaigns.

Creating Sign-up Forms

Creating sign-up forms in Campaign Monitor is a simple and straightforward process that allows users to capture email addresses and build their subscriber list. With Campaign Monitor, you have the flexibility to create three different types of sign-up forms: standalone forms, embeddable forms and pop-ups.

You can customize the form's appearance and fields to align with your brand and collect the necessary information from subscribers. Once the form is created, you can easily add it to your website using a unique link or embed the code directly.

Standalone forms are perfect for creating a dedicated sign-up page on your website.

You can place the form on a specific page or in a sidebar widget to make it easily accessible to visitors. Campaign Monitor provides you with the necessary code. Which you can copy and paste onto your website, saving you time and effort.

Embeddable forms offer a seamless integration into your website design.

Pop-ups are a great way to capture attention and increase sign-ups. You can create eye-catching pop-ups that appear at specific times or when triggered by certain actions. Campaign Monitor's drag-and-drop editor allows you to design beautiful pop-ups that match your brand's aesthetic.

For WordPress users, Campaign Monitor offers a dedicated forms plugin. Making it even easier to create and manage sign-up forms on your WordPress website. The plugin seamlessly integrates with your site and provides advanced customization options.

With Campaign Monitor's sign-up form options, you can effortlessly capture email addresses and grow your subscriber list. Whether you choose standalone forms, embeddable forms, pop-ups or the WordPress forms plugin. Creating sign-up forms has never been more straightforward.


What is Campaign Monitor?

It is designed to help users engage with their audiences, build customer relationships and drive results through email marketing. Campaign Monitor offers a range of features and tools to simplify the email marketing process.

Campaign Monitor is an email marketing and automation platform that allows businesses and marketers to create, send and track email campaigns.

What are Campaign Monitor's core features?

Campaign Monitor provides several core features for email marketing. Including:

  • Email Campaign Creation: Users can design and create visually appealing email campaigns using customizable templates and a drag-and-drop email builder.
  • List Management: Campaign Monitor offers list segmentation and management tools to target specific subscriber groups.
  • Automation: Users can set up automated email workflows, such as welcome series, drip campaigns and abandoned cart emails.
  • Personalization: The platform allows for personalized email content and dynamic content blocks.
  • Analytics and Reporting: Campaign Monitor provides detailed insights into email campaign performance. Including open rates, click-through rates and more.
  • Integration: It integrates with various third-party applications, CRM systems and e-commerce platforms.

Is Campaign Monitor the right tool for you?

It's recommended to consider factors like the size of your email list, desired features, ease of use and customer support when evaluating if Campaign Monitor aligns with your requirements. Many businesses find Campaign Monitor to be a valuable email marketing solution, but it's essential to explore its features and pricing to determine if it suits your goals.

Whether Campaign Monitor is the right tool for you depends on your specific email marketing needs, budget and preferences.

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